Elder Mediation
Many decisions are made by elders and their families when a loved one advances in years, particularly related to who will take care of the health and finances of the elderly person. If all parties are willing to come to the table and talk through issues that affect the elderly person, mediation is a great option. It is a softer approach than court-driven intervention. Many elder issues are without clear guidance in law. They are complex and sometimes new to the court. Issues such as second marriages; long term care considerations; medical assistance planning; and blended families with adult children, will increase in complexity as empowered baby boomers plan for end of life. Suzanne Scheller believes that sometimes a common-sense approach is best by using mediation to tackle the complex issues rather than extensive time in litigation with little control of the results. Suzanne Scheller offers elder mediation services to allow for maximum retention of important family and support relationships while also addressing potentially harmful situations. She is a qualified neutral under Minnesota General Rules of Practice 114 in both the facilitative (mediation) and adjudicative (arbitration) processes. Suzanne Scheller has gained knowledge of many issues affecting families with aging loved ones through her legal representation and brings that unique knowledge and skill set to her role as mediator.
Possible Issues for Elder Mediation
Not all issues can or should be mediated, but the following matters may be appropriate for elder mediation: